Oriental cat prices in 2023: purchase cost, veterinary bills and other expenses

Oriental Cat Prices In 2023: Purchase Cost, Veterinary Bills And Other Expenses

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The Oriental cat is a fascinating breed with over 300 coat colors and patterns. It is often confused with the Siamese cat, which is similar to the Oriental, but has a different coat color. If you’re looking for the breed, you’ll want to stay up-to-date on Oriental cat prices in 2023.

Owning an Oriental cat means being financially ready to welcome your new furry friend into your home. Not only do you need to budget for the cost of buying the cat and the deposit, but you also need to calculate the costs of vet fees, food and other essentials for your cat.

If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry. Below, we’ve put together a guide to help potential Oriental cat owners understand all the costs of owning one. So let’s get into it!

It is often confused with the Siamese cat, which is similar to the Oriental, but has a different coat color.


How much does an oriental cat cost?

Oriental cat prices vary depending on where you get them. Cattery and adoption tend to be the cheapest methods, but the breed is generally not easy to obtain through these options. In most cases, you will have to pay a higher price to the breeder to get a purebred Oriental.

The price of an oriental cat depends on the breeder. Each breeder charges a different rate depending on their breeding experience and care. On average, you can expect to pay between $600 and $3,000.

Another option is to adopt an oriental cat, but you may not see this breed in any shelter. If you do, you can adopt them for free or for a small adoption fee of $75 to $400.

Near East
Oriental cat prices vary depending on where you get them.


Other factors that affect the purchase price of an oriental cat

Although oriental cats have such a diverse appearance, coat color and pattern all in all Don’t touch the price of the cat. Sometimes the breeder will charge the price of an oriental cat for dibs on a particular cat from the litter. however, In most cases there are two reasons for payment, including good pedigree or champion bloodlines.

Color Point Short Hair Cat
Championship bloodline cats are valued higher because one of the parents, grandparents, or even higher in the line has won a championship award.


Oriental cat pedigree prices

Pedigree cats have two factors that increase their value: breed status and popularity. When you buy a cat from a pure family line, you are paying for insurance that the cat has been of the same breed for a few generations. So the price of that warranty will increase and you can expect from $1,500 to $3,000.

Champion Bloodline Oriental Cat Prices

Championship bloodline cats are valued higher because one of the parents, grandparents, or even higher in the line has won a championship award. This award is only given to cats with an outstanding genetic makeup for their breed. This means the features are amazing and this quality is something breeders should be looking for. You can expect to pay between $2,000 and $3,500 for champion bloodlines or show cats.

Oriental cat vaccination cost and other medical expenses

Medical expensesCost
Spay/Neuter150 dollars
Vaccinations175 dollars
Micro chipping20 dollars
Dental treatment300 dollars
Repellents (heartworms, fleas/ticks)140 dollars
Health certificate55 dollars

Part of being a pet owner is making sure you have enough savings to cover any necessary medical care, in addition to the cost of the Oriental cat. While these expenses are generally one-time purchases, you should budget for this expense before Finding your cat. Overall, you can expect to stay on a budget. 840 dollarsBut the cost will vary depending on your local vet.

Mandatory vaccinations

Oriental cats are the same as any domestic cat species and require a few important vaccinations. This is because mandatory vaccinations are given from six to eight weeks and then continue until sixteen weeks of age.

This is the feline panleukopenia virus (FVR/FHV-1), Feline Herpes Virus-1 (FCV) and Feline calicivirus vaccines (FVP) First-year shots range from $115 to $210, depending on the vet you go to.

You must pay $50 when you do your cat’s first comprehensive exam. After that, you should do the first round of vaccinations until the cat is 16 weeks old. Exam fees and appointment fees may be added to the cost of your cat’s vaccinations.

Micro chipping

Other than that, some owners microchip their cats to make sure they can still claim the cat as ours if it goes missing. However, this option is a medical expense, but it is worth it if your cat is released. The average cost of microchipping is $20 to $50.

Skin and skin care

Oriental cats are also prone to fleas, ticks and mites. Therefore, it is better to put on medicine to prevent these parasites from eating your cat. The monthly cost of these medications varies, but most pet owners can expect to pay between $140 and $185.

Current disease prevention

Finally, cats are known to be prone to periodontal disease. Therefore, it can be good to pay for annual dental work and check-ups to prevent the disease. This can cost up to $300, but you may be able to cover this with pet insurance.

You should set aside at least $1,000 for additional medical emergencies. Of course, you can also invest in pet health insurance. Still, it’s good to have an emergency fund in case a cat gets hurt or has an unexpected problem. Even if they are clean, they may still have genetic health conditions that can pop up.

The price of food and supplies for oriental cats

Cat suppliesAverage cost
Cat food10-50 dollars
Cat food and water bowls10-30 dollars
Bed30 dollars
Nail Clipper10-30 dollars
Litter box10-200 dollars
Cat litter5-60 dollars
Toys5-100 dollars
Carrier50-100 dollars

Most of these expenses are one-time expenses besides food, waste etc. As an Oriental cat owner, you need to budget for one-time and recurring purchases. Of course, these costs are only estimates, but you can expect to pay More than 610 dollars or more.

The cost of getting a cat depends on a few factors. For example, if your cat has a special medical condition that requires certain foods, you may incur additional costs. On the other hand, if your cat is destructive, you need to buy toys.

This list covers only the essentials. As a cat owner, you must purchase items such as scratching posts, perches, and cat treats. This can help your cat feel less bored and enjoy their home more.

How much does it cost to insure an oriental cat?

Cat insurance costs vary depending on the age of the cat and the area insured. For example, an Eastern resident in New York less than six months might spend $24 to $52 for a basic plan. However, an older cat can cost anywhere from $50 to $100.

Insurance is also dependent on coverage and pre-existing medical conditions. The best way to choose pet insurance for your cat is to talk to your local veterinary office. They can offer insurances that cover their services.

Oriental Short Hair With Wooden Panel Background
Cat insurance costs vary depending on the age of the cat and the area insured.


Need cat health insurance?

Many people think they can skip health insurance, but that’s not the case. Pet insurance is much cheaper than human insurance and covers a wide range of veterinary services.

Your Oriental will be more prone to genetic health conditions than a mixed breed. If this happens, you could have a hefty vet bill of over $5,000. Most owners cannot afford such expenses.

Therefore, getting health insurance is worth it in the long run as it helps reduce the cost of other health expenses. Health insurance can help protect against financial risks and reduce medical costs over time.

Where can you find pet insurance quotes?

As with other types of insurance, you can find pet insurance quotes online. Even the big name sites Giko And Progressive They allow you to use their site to find pet insurance quotes near you. You will need the following information:

  • Age of cat
  • Seed type
  • zip code

Total oriental cat prices

Brown Cat Species
As a general estimate, Oriental cats can cost between $400 and $3,500.

©Svyatoslav Balan/Shutterstock.com

As a general estimate, Oriental cats can cost between $400 and $3,500. If you count just the minimum and don’t have an extra $1,000 for emergencies, the extra medical bills will cost about $840. Finally, the cost of essentials will increase to $610.

You should estimate a total of $1,850 to $5,000 plus an additional $1,000. Of course, this price can be reduced if you are going to get a cat for adoption or only with essentials. However, if you are thinking of owning an Oriental cat, you should expect to save at least between the two estimates.
