Beware of these 6 deadly snakes during hot weather in Arkansas

Beware of these 6 deadly snakes during hot weather in Arkansas

We’re all enjoying getting outside in the warm weather, but be aware that we’re not the only ones who love the warm weather.

There’s a creature that experts need to be wary of, and veterinarians are warning pet owners to be wary of it, too.

Snakes! Snakes become hotter and more active in the heat. There are 6 venomous snakes in Arkansas. Although you don’t know that these snakes only bite if they feel threatened and trust me if you get too close and step on one it will feel threatened. Or if your dog gets too close to a snake, the snake will feel threatened and strike.

Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash

Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unloading

At Arkansas has 39 snake species. all right! Six of them are poisonous.

Eastern Copperhead

These snakes shake their tails when disturbed. They are usually cute, but on a hot summer day they are quick to anger.

Northern Cottonmouth

Also known as water moccasins, they love to be near water. If you are in a lake where you are fishing from a boat, be careful of hanging low in the trees along the shore.

Western diamond backed rattlesnake

These snakes are up to 3 to 5 feet long and some grow up to 7 feet. They have two black diagonal lines on the sides of the face. Dark diamond-shaped patterns on the back and black and white bands above the head.

Wood snake

This snake may be smaller than the above but is considered one of the most venomous snakes in the county. Fun Fact: This snake served as a symbol of American anger and determination to conquer during the American Revolution.

Western pygmy rattlesnake

This is the smallest of the rattlesnakes, usually growing to 15 to 20 inches. Some are aggressive, others are docile and will remain motionless unless you poke them with a stick or accidentally tap them with your foot! The noise sounds like the sound of a grasshopper and can be heard only about a foot away. Which is too close for comfort!

Texas gulf-coast coral snake

These are very colorful and grow 20 to 30 inches. Its poison is considered one of the most dangerous. They are shy but beware if they feel cornered. These snakes are part of the cobra family.

Watch the videos below to learn how to keep your dog safe and learn more about deadly snakes in Arkansas.

Ghost town of Rush Arkansas

Visit the Arkansas Ghost Town of Rush

See: Here are the pets that are prohibited in each state

Because exotic animal regulation is left up to the states, some organizations, including the Humane Society of the United States, support a federal standard law that would prohibit keeping big cats, bears, primates, and large venomous snakes as pets.

Read on to see which pets are banned in your state.